Parents are increasingly asking: when is my child ready for a smartphone? An NRC article highlights this discussion. Experts such as Remco Pijpers (specialist youth, education and digital media at Kennisnet) and Peter Nikken (former professor of media education) advise against giving children full access to the Internet too early. At the same time, they recognize that digital communication is convenient and that children should not be completely excluded from it.
At Rebel Cactus, we believe in a middle ground: technology should support, not take over.
Freedom is not just about a smartphone
Many parents give their child a smartphone so they can keep in touch with friends or let them know where they are. But that comes with risks: access to social media, distraction from schoolwork and less outdoor play. One parent tells NRC that her daughter didn't get a phone until grade 8 to protect her from online stimuli and addictive effects.
A GPS smartwatch can be a smart solution in this. Parents can call and message their child while controlling which apps can be accessed. This keeps the child free, without the drawbacks of unlimited screen time.
Outdoor play vs. screen time: This generation's dilemma
Children are growing up in a world where technology is everywhere. In The Thick Data Show, kids say:
"If I have to choose between never playing outside again or never being on my smartphone, I would choose never playing outside again. "
This says a lot about how strongly screens affect their daily lives. Technology is great, but it should never become a substitute for carefree outdoor play, romping and new experiences, falling down, getting up and learning....
That's why we at Rebel Cactus are committed to movement and adventure:
- Being outdoors encourages creativity and social skills
- Kids develop better physically and mentally through active play
- Our smartwatches help them discover the world - without the distraction of endless scrolling
With GPS tracking and parental controls, kids can safely go out on their own, while you as a parent have peace of mind.
Not against, but smart with technology
We are not against technology - we embrace it in a way that suits children. As Peter Nikken says in NRC:
"Talk to other parents about screen use and appropriate digital environments. How can the whole class have fun, offline and online? "
With Rebel Cactus, parents are always in control. Our parent app offers:
✅ Manage apps with the App Store - As a parent, you control which apps your child can see on their smartwatch.
✅ Contact Restrictions - Only make calls and send messages to approved contacts.
✅ GPS tracking & safe zones - If needed, know where your child is without constant checkups.
✅ Time limits - Set when the smartwatch can be used (e.g., no screen time during school).
Want your child to use WhatsApp, but no other apps? You can. You are in control.
Freedom with limits
Freedom does not mean just allowing everything, but building responsibility step by step. As Remco Pijpers states in NRC:
"You are definitely not shortchanging your child if you put off using a smartphone. Children get used to it and learn to use technology in a healthier way. "
At Rebel Cactus, we believe in a balanced digital youth. Technology should help children grow and explore without trapping them in a screen world.
Want to give your child freedom without the risks of a smartphone? Discover Rebel Cactus and find the perfect balance between outdoor fun, safety and technology.
Check out our smartwatches
NRC. (2025, Jan. 21). Is 10-year-old daughter allowed a smartphone? NRC. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/21/mag-dochter-van-10-een-smartphone-a4880222
VPRO. (2025, Jan. 8). [Rather never play outside again | The fat data show] [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kWzJiLDdAWA